An old folk saying says: the best deals are made in a "cafe". A lot can be seen and heard by observation. That's how we put together a mosaic. Private investigator surveillance far surpasses any efforts a layman can exhibit for following a person or unearthing intelligence. The advanced skills and the experience of private investigators at our agency Private Investigator Switzerland make it possible for you to have the answers you need without compromising yourself in the process of discovery. To conduct surveillance is to discreetly gather information, deliver proof, or document an act without a subject’s knowledge. Private Investigation Surveillance is bread and butter work for PIs working on all kinds of different cases, from missing persons to insurance fraud, to theft and vandalism, to determining whether a parent is fit to have child custody or visitation rights to proving marital infidelity.
It all comes down to close and detailed observation of a person, observation of his behavior and activities, places, or things in order to gather facts that can be used to make a case - whether it means observing the "subject", ie. a person who visits a restaurant and meets with other people, makes arrangements ... or, for example, a shop that has been robbed several times to see if anyone is condemning it for attempted burglary. - enters or observes a person who has insurance for a leg injury to see if he miraculously gets up and starts running around.
In almost every case, technology now plays a major role in doing business by improving the ability of private investigations to collect and document data that reveals the story of a crime or offense. The technology that is now available is a matter of James Bond movies - they come in all sizes and shapes.
On the street, a time-tested approach to spotting the topic and gathering evidence is still at stake. The basic approach to private investigative oversight has remained fairly static for decades - take a look. Listen. Follow.
Surveillance can be carried out for nearly any type of private investigation, including infidelity, employee misconduct, or locating a missing person. When it comes to spousal surveillance, a private investigator does his or her best to uncover where, when, and how of a cheating spouse, so you can understand why. Following a person who is suspected of cheating can involve surveillance that answers:
Who he or she spends time with.
Where he or she goes and when.
Identifying the other person or persons he or she is with.
For matters of employee misconduct, undercover private investigator surveillance is often initiated to reveal whether there is evidence of:
Employee asset misuse
Employee time theft
Workers comp abuse
Business fraud
Breach of a non-compete contract
Workplace affair
Employees, contractors, and partners can destroy a business when employee misconduct is taking place. Surveillance must be deployed to safeguard your enterprise from internal as well as external threats.
Locating a missing person is always a sensitive matter, and any type of investigation must be done tactfully, without drawing attention, and without the other person’s knowledge. Quite often, missing people don’t want to be found, but a loved one wants and needs to know where they are. Details about a person’s whereabouts and their well-being are often enough to satisfy the person who has employed a private investigator; careful private investigator surveillance can be the key to finding them.
Types of Private Investigator Surveillance
Each case is individually evaluated for the benefits of a surveillance plan, and from there a detailed surveillance strategy is developed. Surveillance can include:
Visual Surveillance and Documentation
Nothing can deliver the kind of clear visual proof an HD picture can, and a clear picture will almost always stand up as evidence in court. Automatic timestamps also eliminate the need for a lot of writing notes. Like any business, PI work is all about giving clients what they’re after. The convenience of digital formats is a big deal for getting the evidence in the hands of the client quickly.
Eavesdropping and Gathering Audio Evidence
There are also circumstances where audio recording is the only way to get the evidence you need. Good models with multi-channel transmission avoid interference and can both record and transmit real-time broadcasts to a base station up to 200 feet away. You have to be careful with audio surveillance because, in some states, all parties being recorded must be informed and grant consent. Violate that rule and you will be the one on the hot seat when the case is over.
Following and Tracking
It’s easiest, of course, to follow someone without actually tailing them, which is what GPS trackers are all about. Small, sometimes magnetic, battery-powered trackers can easily be concealed on a target’s car. In 2023, the video surveillance market is projected to be worth 62.6 billion U.S. dollars, with infrastructure applications forecast to make up over 36 percent of the global market.
Conducting asset searches
Are you going through a divorce and suspecting that your spouse is hiding or omitting assets from you? Are you an executor or personal representative of an estate who is trying to figure out what assets the deceased owned or what bills are outstanding? Are you contemplating filing a personal injury lawsuit against someone but are worried about your legal costs and your ability to collect on your judgment if you prevail? Are you responsible for conducting a due diligence review on a business entity or new hire? If your answer is yes to any one of the above questions, then a comprehensive asset search conducted by a professional asset search firm is essential.
Every client has different reasons and motivations for wanting private investigator surveillance. Maybe you want confirmation of suspicion, perhaps you’re preparing for a legal case and need concrete evidence. Whatever prompted your need for private investigator surveillance, all information gathered is done so legally, legitimately, and professionally, so the intelligence that is gathered can be used in a court of law or police investigation if need be. Surveillance is a finely honed skill that our professionals have morphed into a true art form. Discretion and confidentiality are at the crux of every case, whatever matter it is for which you require private investigator surveillance.
If you’re ready for answers, and you know that quiet, careful investigation is required, rely on our specialists at Private Investigator Switzerland. Contact us today for an anonymous initial consultation.
Private Investigator Switzerland
Schaffhauserstrasse 550.
CH-8050 Zürich
T. +41 44 586 60 33